Saturday 6 July 2013

My Week 27

This week has gone quickly. My mother is on holidays from work and my sister is on school holidays so it is a full house!

We have started our winter clean, which is where we go through each room of the house and do the curtains, edges, floors, you name it we are cleaning it...every inch of the house. I guess unless you love house cleaning you will feel my pain. I detest cleaning so much. It's not that I don't like living in a clean house it's just more of the chore of doing it. So that really has been my major task this week.

As with a major clean out my bedroom is always such a huge task for me. I have the smallest bedroom in the house and of course I have the most stuff. I am not very good at these massive clean ups because I tend to go through all of the paper in the section of my room bit by bit. My family tell me I clean like a hoarder lol. I guess it is true. I would like to keep my rational policy of, 'If I haven't used it in the last three months, I don't need it'. Sadly the hoarder inside me screams and feels bad for wasting things. (maybe it is time to see a physiologist lol)

Enough about cleaning and my strange habits..

My weekly decoration has come from a few sources, again strips from my calendar used in a washi type formation. Some cute stamps I found at Typo. I adore the teacup stamp. I have used it for next week when I have coffee or a lunch date :)

 This week I have been obsessed with starting to use and adapt my A5 Finsbury as my 'home planner'. This was on my list of things to do over the uni holidays. It is a work in progress and won't really be used until I a. have a new job (there is something in the works, keep your fingers crossed for me) and b. start uni again.
I really hate these long breaks in between semesters. I end up out of a routine and it takes me a good 5 weeks to get the hang of a new one :(

Still on the subject of my A5 I have decided upon it's theme, and found the loveliest scrapbooking paper, tape and sticky notes.

So there you have it, my jumbled up week.

I am now off to do some more cleaning... :(

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